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Monday, September 03, 2007

Random musings on this Labor Day

Ok, I confess. I don't have anything new to share this week. Stuart and I had an enjoyable weekend, celebrating our shared birthday this past Friday and spending time together on Saturday, relaxing and watching movies. I have begun the countdown to the deadline for my next book, so each day includes 3-4 hours of time spent in front of this computer screen tapping on the keys and adding words to the story.

As is often with many authors I know, the feeling that what I'm writing is pure junk and not worthy of appearing on the printed page niggles me constantly. Then, I'm reminded that no author is an island. No book in its finished form is the result of a single person. There is a team that works together to make the book the best it can be. God reminds me that my efforts when paired with the talents of my critique partners, copy editors, content editors, proof-readers, graphic cover artists, marketing whizzes and so many just what it needs to be in order to get the book written.

So, here I am, taking a short break from my writing goal and penning this post. As I stated last week, I don't know what I will do on these Mondays once all the wedding hoopla has died down. We have one final reception in Dallas at the annual ACFW conference in 2-1/2 weeks. After that, it's back to life as normal, and unless something exciting happens, I won't have much to share.

For now, though, I'll leave it open and allow room for....whatever might strike my fancy when it comes time to write each week.

One thing that won't change is the weekly author spotlights. I have another one ready for this coming Wednesday. It's a brand new author with a unique tagline and excellent skill at marketing herself with her first book. You won't want to miss it. Come back again on Wednesday.

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