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Sunday, February 26, 2006

God Wants Your Success More Than You!

Ok, it's been 2 weeks since I've posted. Kept meaning to come back and had a lot of thoughts to share. One thing that's been hitting me again and again recently is that God WANTS us to succeed. He's pulling for us. He DESIRES our success. And are you ready for this? He desires it MORE than we do!

Isn't that amazing? God can not only make our dreams come true, but He WANTS to! And as much as we crave our dreams and our desires, it doesn't even come close to how much God wants FOR us.

We just need to live every day in faith and not fear. We need to believe it WILL happen rather than fearing it won't. God's promised it to us. And He's faithful to fulfill those promises, just as His Word says.

Read God's Word.
Believe God's Word.
Speak God's Word.
Be diligent and patient.

"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." If you meditate and dwell on His promises, your heart will believe it, and you'll see it!


Anonymous said...

I like this, Tiff. Like you, I believe that God has more for us than we think. And it’s a two-way street. As we hear His voice and obey, He blesses us and reveals the direction we’re supposed to go.

Storyteller said...

What a timely reminder. Thank you for sharing.

Paula said...

Thanks Tiff. This is a beautiful post. Reminds me of the verse I just posted to the loop. He will lead us on the BEST pathway for our life. Hallelujah.

Carol Collett said...

Sometimes, with life going on all around us, it's good to be reminded that God is on our side.

jude said...

Keep on sharing your heart, Tiff. God's family needs the encouragement. Love in Christ, Jude Visit my blog at
I am new at this, and haven't yet learned how to attach a list of my favorite blogs, or I would surely have yours on my list. By the way, my sign in name means: Keep Believing His Word ForEver.

Dineen A. Miller said...

I like this idea, a lot! LOL! Thanks for sharing.

Camy Tang said...

I totally hear you there! God's been beating me over the head with this thought the past week or so as I've been reading my Bible. I'm doing the Bible in 90 Days (although I'm a few days behind) and all I'm seeing in the latter half of Isaiah is how God loves to bless us abundantly! Even his stubborn, really disgusting idol-worshipping people the Israelites. It's hard for me to wrap my head around. I must have a cynical gene.


Anonymous said...

Tiff, This was a pick-me-up, once I read it. But the title caught me because I was just dealing with how God wants my obedience more than he wants my success. My success won't ever materialize without my obedience. But you are saying the same thing in a different way. God cares about me. Boy,am I glad!

Tiffany Amber Stockton said...

Thanks, Mary. Glad it spoke to your heart and many others. Opened my eyes, I know. It's given me greater hope for the future.