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Friday, September 02, 2011

Books for Sale! Fantastic Fiction at Bargain Prices

I shared here on this blog about a month ago about the Heartsong Presents book club closing at the end of this year. This has meant a big loss of expected income for me and our family between now and Christmas.

We're also enrolled in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University right now, so we can attack our debt and get out from under this burden. Our goal is 3-5 years, and we'll be done with this. Sooner, if possible. And then, we can pass on a debt-free legacy to our two children. Show them the freedom of living financially responsible and without worry of debt.

One way to start doing that is to sell things. So, we've started with books. And since we'd love to see them go to a good home, we're promoting the list of items to those who read Christian fiction.

If you'd like to see the list, you can view it here. (

All purchases will help us pay off our debt faster. Thank you in advance.

If you purchase more than 1 book, we'll refund part of your shipping, since we can save by packaging books together.

Please forward this post or the link to anyone you know who might be interested in buying some brand new books at a great price!

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